Season 7 - Ep. 143 Mind Games with guest Erin Flanagan

In this week’s episode, we chat with Erin Flanagan, an author whose debut novel Deer Season won a 2022 Edgar Award for Best First Novel; her most recent book that published this past summer is a thriller called Blackout. Blackout revolves around a sociology professor named Maris who begins having blackouts despite the fact that she gave up drinking seven months before and then discovers other women in her community are experiencing the same thing. It’s a bit of a #metoo novel with some speculative science and some vodka thrown in. In addition to being an award-winning writer, Erin is also a creative writing professor at Wright State University in Ohio.

Books Mentioned in this Episode:
1- Deer Season by Erin Flanagan
2- Blackout by Erin Flanagan
3- In Defense of Witches: The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women Are Still on Trial by Mona Chollet
4- Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen Kirby
5- The Damage by Caitlin Wahrer
6- They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
7- The Case of the Missing Marquess (Enola Holmes #1)by Nancy Springer
8- The Case of the Left-Handed Lady (Enola Holmes #2) by Nancy Springer

Movie Mentioned
1- Enola Holmes - 2020 (Netflix)

TV series mentioned:
1- Severance - 2022 (Apple +)


Season 7 - Ep. 144 Getting Into the Spirits with guest Shelley Sackier


Season 7 - Ep. 142 One-on-One Reading Rendezvous with guests Cassie and Riley Moses