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We’re delighted to announce that The Perks of Being a Book Lover has won several Positive Change Podcast Awards in 2023, including Best Co-Host Team and Best Seasoned Podcast.

A show where two long-time, totally opposite friends chat about books and reading

with each other and a special guest.

Book lovers are everywhere:

Authors of all kinds, librarians, dramaturgs, slam poets, and book club members to name a few.

Talking about books is one of our favorite things to do (besides eating cheese). 

We may be a little biased, but we think reading people are the coolest.

Latest Episodes

“Perky” Pets

When COVID happened, like everyone who had to learn a new way of doing things, The Perks learned how to record remotely. And that has changed who participates in our recording. It is always Carrie, Amy, and our guest, but the behind-the-scenes guests are dogs, cats, ferrets, and whatever other animal is in our homes. These pets sometimes make an appearance on the show because they bark, meow, sniffle against the mics, or flop down on the keyboards during recording. We decided they need to come out from behind the mic and get their just rewards. Plus who doesn’t need some cute animal pics?

What Amy & Carrie have been reading!


Listener Recommendations